Monday 5 November 2012

Textual Analysis: Toyota Camry – It’s Reinvented

Toyota Camry – It’s Reinvented

The following features have been included in the advert:
  • Real Time
  • Repetition - This advert was made for multiple viewing as viewers can notice something different each time they watch it.
  • Speech – A voiceover runs throughout the advert stating the different things that have been reinvented, and saying a little thing about each. It also states the product name and the company name.
  • Dramatic Action – The advert features comic, fantasy “upgrades” of things like police, babies and sofas.
  • Music – Throughout the advert, the score from 2001: A Space Odyssey is playing. This song is dramatic and widely popular. It gives the viewers the impression that they are about to see something epic. The song breaks for three seconds and Lionel Richie – All Night Long plays to support the narration and the action.

This advert is a dramatization in which they show fantasy scenarios.

The advert is intelligently constructed and it makes sure no particular group is isolated. They show the sofa with women on it which appeals to men, but then then show a sofa with men on it to appeal to women. I think this advert may not appeal as much to senior people as it would to younger people. They don’t exclude any social classes or anyone with children either as there will be points in the advert that will appeal to, and humour them.

This advertisement aims to create an image of perfection. They want to send the message that they have re-invented the Camry and now it can do anything you want it to do. This is made obvious at the end of the advert where the voiceover says “Available with everything you could possibly want”. By showing the different things and then the desired reinvented versions of them, they attempted to exaggerate the extent of the new changes made to the vehicle by showing other dream changes that have been made to different things, like the baby and the police.

The advert has tried to fit in people of different social groups; men, women, children, black people, white people all feature in this advert although they are only shown for a few seconds each.

The blend of action and the voiceover give this advert a funny but formal tone.

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