Monday 5 November 2012

Textual Analysis: Nike: Designed To Move Initiative – Extra Time

Nike: Designed To Move Initiative – Extra Time

This advert contains the following features:
  • Real Time
  • Repetition
  • Speech – This whole advert is based around asking children the question of what they would do if they had an extra five years to live, and listening to their answers.
  • Music – The song “Welcome Home” by Radical Face plays faintly throughout the advertisement, until the end when the kids stop talking and the underlying message and purpose of the advertisement is revealed, the volume increases and the chorus kicks in. This song is calm and peaceful, and it has a powerful effect, especially when the message is revealed.

I think this advert is created as a documentary. The children don’t talk about the campaign as a product, but we hear possible results from the use of the campaign, and what it aims to do.

I think the target audience for this advertisement are parents. This advert doesn’t aim to focus on a specific gender, ethnicity or social class; it wants to send a direct message to the hearts of parents.

This advert aims to send a message of children dying from a lack of physical activity. It states that this generation is expected to die five years before their parents, this is a very negative and terrible thought, but they then offer hope as it says “Let’s give them those 5 years back.” Straight after this they show the link to their official website. The purpose of this advert is to make people aware of the Designed To Move initiative, and make them search the link and go onto their official website to find out more and get involved.

Only children are shown in this advert and they are shown in the most positive way as being innocent, carefree, happy and imaginative. This makes the emotional impact stronger when viewers are told that those children will die 5 years before their parents, and this will make them want to do something to help.

This advertisement takes a serious message, but tries to present it in a manner that is not harsh. The innocence of the children makes this advert seem like it has taken a lighter tone, until the children’s voices go quiet and the deep message is presented to the viewers. I think what makes this advert successful is the way it maintains the happy and light overall tone, despite the very serious message which it send to the viewers.

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